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The IUP Journal of English Studies :
Teaching Functional English to Students of Technology Through Literature

In today’s world of globalization, the significance of English language need not be accentuated. It is said that literature has the power to shape the teaching practices. Literature and language are interrelated. This paper endeavors to highlight the symbiotic relationship between the two and also attempts to present how a teacher, with the help of literature, can make the classes more stimulating and help students get involved by reflecting upon the themes, recurring ideas, characters, etc. The paper tries to demonstrate how the teaching of literature can be fun, departing from learning grammar by conventional methods, and also examines how literature has its own pivotal role in helping the students in acquiring their life skills besides imparting communication skills.


Language, for native speakers, is a natural phenomenon beyond conscious effort and is at the heart of human life and a unique characteristic of human beings. It remains as a potentially communicative medium capable of expressing ideas, concepts, moods, feelings and attitudes. Learning any other language (L2), including English, is not easy. As English has come to stay as a global language, a language with universal acceptance and proficiency in English is synonymous with success in life, it has become necessary for students to master this language though it is a second language.

Language is said to be “the medium of literature as marble or bronze or clay are the materials of the sculptor” (Sapir, 2005). Literature, a versatile subject, is considered to be an essential part of a balanced education, and it has the power to shape the teaching practices. Literature and language are interrelated and a symbiotic relationship exists between the two. Literature plays a pivotal role in the acquisition of language proficiency. The present paper endeavors to highlight how literature acts as a vehicle in imparting communication skills and helping the teacher to lead the students for success instead of simply participating in the teaching/learning process.


English Studies Journal, Teaching, Functional, English, Students, Technology, Through, Literature.