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The IUP Journal of Marketing Management
Measuring the Attitude of Individuals Towards Print Media Advertisements

India has the largest print market in the world and is growing at a faster rate with the increasing literacy rate. Advertising media spends close to 108 bn on advertising in over 1,000 periodicals published in 18 languages in India. Based on the existing literature about attitudes toward advertising and consumer behavior models, a research framework has been constructed in the present study to illustrate the factors affecting consumer attitudes toward print advertisements (both for magazines and newspapers separately) in Guwahati city. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) has been used for statistical analysis. Three positive indicators (amusement, informativeness and credibility) and one negative indicator (nuisance) have been taken for measuring the overall attitude of the respondents. Random as well as convenient sampling has been employed in the study. Although newspapers and magazines are two different vehicles for advertisement, yet both are found to have similar impact on individual’s attitude. Perceived amusement, credibility and information are positively related to attitude towards both newspaper and magazine advertisements, while perceived nuisance is not related to individual’s attitude towards both newspaper and magazine advertisements.


In the case of print media, newspapers and magazines are full of advertisements depending on the readership. On the one hand, these advertisements enhance the quality of the magazines and newspapers as they generate revenue for them, but on the other, it creates irritation in the minds of readers because of the numbers of advertisements in a single issue. However, many are happy with the number of advertisements as they are a source of amusement, due to its credibility aspect and information it carries about various consumers and other products. So, the measurement of attitude of individuals towards advertisement is very much important for the sustainability of various newspapers and magazines. Against this backdrop, the study aims to measure the attitude of individuals towards newspaper and magazine advertisements and to see if there is any difference in perception for newspaper advertisements and magazine advertisements.


Marketing Management, Measuring the Attitude of Individuals, Towards Print Media, Advertisements.