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HRM Review Magazine:
Diversity Recruitment: A New Paradigm in Hiring



Recruitment landscape is on the cusp of constant transmogrification. Organizations and recruiters are looking at ways and means of wooing candidates from multiple sources using varied approaches. Diversity recruitment is currently engaging the attention of the recruiting managers in a big way. Companies are now keen on giving diversity recruitment a big push. Today, we have employees of all hues and kinds entering the workforce. Thanks to the demographic shifts, global workforce is increasingly becoming a melting pot. Thus, diversity recruitment is bedeviled by certain challenges. How should the organization overcome such seemingly intractable challenges and build a case for diversity recruitment is the crux of this article.


In a hyper-competitive business landscape today, Human Resource practitioners are making an all-out frenzied pitch to ensnare top-notch and diverse talent. Getting a diverse workforce is increasingly becoming a sine qua non of today's HR strategy. A vastly diverse and hugely engaged employee today is germane to enduring organization success. A diverse workforce has become a new praxis for soaring productivity, cutting-edge innovation and unbounded creativity in an ever-burgeoning competitive milieu. Diversity in the workplace differs for many organizations. Today, diversity in a typical workplace goes beyond broad-stroking. Diversity doesn't lean heavily on gender and race anymore. It encompasses a much wider canvas and has a much broader meaning today. Admittedly, a constellation of various forces are changing the very idiom of diversity today. Demographic changes are forcing companies to re-choreograph their business strategies. Scratch the surface and numbers stare you in the face. The 2000 census data brought to light how exponentially the demo-graphics in USA are changing ever. Diversity has radically altered the way business is done. Diversity has opened up new markets and business opportunities. The collective buying capacity of diversity community is ratcheting up. Nimble-footed organizations that `gets it' is better poised to deliver on goals, foray into new emerging markets and morph into employer of choice. All this and more, are forcing companies to roll out their diversity recruitment plans.

Today, diversity is a word layered with many meanings. Diversity just hasn't been come to be identified by race and gender alone. It has traversed a long way from merely being an anti-discrimination initiative and inclusive charade. Diversity in today's context includes minority group both racial and ethnic, women, older people, individuals with infirmities, persons with alternative sexual orientation and non-traditional groups. Diversity may also include characteristics that impact the way we lead our lives and values we epitomize. It includes among other things, an individual's income, religious beliefs, avocation, educational profile, family background, and life experiences. Workplace diversity means a place that has male and female employees from varied ethnic background, races, sexual orientation, age category, cultural affinities and religion. Such places may also include people who are aged or have serious disabilities.


HRM Review Magazine, Diversity Recruitment, Constant Transmogrification, Recruitment Landscape, Cultural Affinities, Hispanic Workforce, Diversity Recruitment Programs, Business Outcome, Product Development, Demographic Patterns, People Management, Marketing Research, Sensitization Program, Strategic Interventions.