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MBA Review Magazine:
Essential Skills for Young Entrepreneurs

This article focuses on understanding the essential skills required for young entrepreneurs-especially the successful ones. Before we proceed further, let us take a brief look at what we mean by essential skills.


Entrepreneur skills are related to the personal and interpersonal competencies of people and are expressed in their behavior. These skills are not simply inherited or unchangeable as traditional perceptions exist. Research has shown and proved that people can change their behavior through learning and training. These skills can thus be acquired, honed and need not be genetic. Having said this, still there is plethora of writing where there is confusion between understanding the finer aspects of managerial skills vs. entrepreneurial skills. Mostly the focus is on developing management skills and commercial knowledge of the entrepreneur. No doubt, these skills are indicators of how well the entrepreneur can perform important tasks but are no substitute to the innovative individuals' ability to identify an opportunity, take risks and make a success of a business venture. Micro entrepreneurs, who defy and fight against odds and earn themselves an income, albeit only a living wage, in the true sense are not entrepreneurs.

Though there is a definite difference in the literal meaning of the words: qualities, skills or competencies for the purpose of this article have been used interchangeably. Competencies are seen as characteristics that a person brings to a job situation, which can result in effective and/or superior performance in such a job. These characteristics include: motives and traits, social role and self-concept, and knowledge and skills. In the case of entrepreneurs, they do not have jobs in the traditional sense. However, they do have jobs or tasks as they pursue and run a new business. Therefore, for a proper understanding and getting a better perspective, the question that needs to be answered is: What are the entrepreneurial competencies that are essential? In this regard, identifying relevant entrepreneurial competencies to be instilled or imbibed is valuable because of their expected causal relationship with venture initiation and success.

Though there are different definitions of an individual's competency given in extant literature, for this study we will use the one proposed by Boyatzis (1982) who defines competency as an underlying characteristic exhibited by a person that can result in effective and/or superior performance in a job. This characteristic may be a motive, trait, skill, aspect of one's self-image or social role, or a body of knowledge which an individual uses. Bird (1995) maintains that entrepreneurial competencies can be seen as underlying characteristics possessed by a person, resulting in new venture creation, survival, and/or growth. Based on the exhibited level, these competencies of entrepreneurs can be classified as threshold or success. The former are those considered as baseline or at a minimum standard, which include the competencies required to successfully create a business. The latter are the competencies necessary to go beyond the launching stage into organizational survival and growth.

Previous studies have been conducted in which the concept of entrepreneurial competency has been the guiding principle of analysis. These studies, however, were oriented to link managerial or entrepreneurial competencies with firm-level performance. Here, on the other hand, we are mainly interested in individual-level competency as we attempt to help young entrepreneurs/students become more skilled and motivated to start and succeed in new ventures. Thus, a common concern is to get individuals to become more entrepreneurial and innovative. To do so, one of the goals of entrepreneurship development and education is to instill the development of entrepreneurial competencies as to be better prepared for an entrepreneurial life.


MBA Review Magazine, Young Entrepreneurs, Essential Skills, Entrepreneur Skills, Management Skills, Entrepreneurial Competencies, Entrepreneurship Development, Entrepreneurial Process, Educational Interventions, Cash Management, Decision Making Competency.