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MBA Review Magazine:
Honing Entrepreneurial Skills: Role of B-Schools

During the past decade or two, there has been a paradigm shift in the thinking of youth. The change has been prompted by the unemployment crisis all over the world. Today, one believes in creating opportunities for oneself. In India too, entrepreneurship as a career option is picking up fast with students across various B-Schools and is gradually being accepted as an alternative career choice. B-Schools are also adapting to play the new role expected of them. This article discusses the role B-Schools can and must play in developing entrepreneurial skills, so badly needed today, across organizations.


Every successful journey begins with choosing and taking the first step on the right path. Fortunately, there are many `right paths' for entrepreneurs to create wealth, provided these paths are traveled well. During the past decade or two; there has been a paradigm shift in the thinking of youth. This change has been prompted by the employment crisis all over the world.

A famous saying goes like this: "Anyone can count the seeds in an apple, but only God can count the number of apples in a seed." The seed of entrepreneurship is already in place in India.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship have become buzzwords today and are seen as a panacea for economic growth in the developed economies. Businesss of all sizes need entrepreneurs. As management guru Peter Drucker wisely said, "Entrepreneurs innovate." More importantly they know how to create wealth from those innovations. Business of every size needs leaders who have this skill set in order to survive and prosper.

Entrepreneurs are exploiters of opportunity. In the modern day business scenario, when one is looking for the shape of the future, one should look for and bet on the exploiters of opportunities and not merely the problem solvers. While problem solvers are still worrying about the fruits that have already fallen, opportunity seekers look for the new ones that are ripe for the picking.

Some people believe that certain individuals are born with the characteristics which make them natural entrepreneurs. However, the majority of the business community and academia believe that entrepreneurship can be taught. There can be a never-ending debate on this. However, it can be safely said that with entrepreneurs it is a combination of nature and nurture.


MBA Review Magazine, Entrepreneurial Skills, Business Schools, Employment Crisis, Economic Growth, Business Communities, Creative Destruction, Career Commitments, Entrepreneurial Ventures, Venture Capital Funds, Business Enterprise, Entrepreneurship Courses, National Entrepreneurship Network.