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HRM Review Magazine
Communication is More Than Getting the Message Across

Santiago in The Old Man and the Sea had a lone battle with his fish in the sea. He was bone tired and famished. But in that frustration he could learn to communicate with the sea and the life in it. And that art of communicating with the life around taught him to swim across life and death. Similarly, by confronting the dilemma of the human predicament about the society, Steinbeck realized that "the so called and considered good qualities are invariable concomitants of failure, while the bad ones are the cornerstones of success." Having captured the ambivalence of human life, he could make his readers ponder over the "ultimate of the human effort after the acquisition of material prosperity" communicating the need for hitching the "tide pool" of failure to the "star of success". What is common in both these examples is that communication plays a vital role in discovering ourselves and the world around us. Whatever be the level of quest of an individual or organization, it remains incomplete without effective communication.

Organizations, as commonly understood, are "a group of people working together to achieve common goals". In a formal way organizations are defined as "an organized collection of individuals working interdependently within a relatively structured, organized, open system to achieve common goals." Now, to work together within any organization requires communication. It provides the much required connections that keep the organization together. Communication is essential for contact, for interaction and even for simple association with people either inside or outside of the organization. It is the lubricant that smoothens the organizational functioning. It suffices to say that it is the communication which brings management into existence in organizations. And it is the "effective communication" that makes organizational experiences work for it. There are indeed many reasons why organizations should have effective communication such as.


Communication is More Than Getting the Message Across, communicate sea and the life, material prosperity, tide poo, relatively structured, interaction of simple association, effective communication