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Advertising Express Magazine:
`Agility' in Product Development: Key to Business Success

In today's dynamic business environment, market demands have become more volatile. Rapid technology developments are further adding to the shrinking product life cycles, while realizing profits or Return on Investment (RoI) has become a great challenge. Divergent and complex needs of customers coupled with the need to serve better are demanding manufacturers to offer customization with responsiveness. Therefore, incorporating agility in product development infrastructures from factory floor to value-delivery network is the key to meet the changing market needs, shrinking product life cycles and the associated challenges.


Today's business environment is more volatile than ever, with new developments taking place almost every day. In such an increasingly turbulent environment, keeping pace with all the related business dynamics, significant breakthroughs and the best practices towards achieving optimization are indispensable to ensure survival and growth of organizations. Capabilities such as agility, innovation and optimization have become cornerstones for enterprises to excel, today as well as in the future.

Optimizing operational efficiency, innovation, business agility and responsiveness in the changing complex business landscape is crucial for achieving business success and customer satisfaction in today's world. This trend is giving rise to "a new business climate with a new model for success and, in essence, a business that must be ready to deliver on demand". To transform into such an enterprise, businesses should innovate and optimize along all dimensionsproduct, process and service, as well as enhance their efficiency and competitiveness. To realize `business optimization' through innovation, enterprises should look forward and renovate themselves to be nimble, proactive, swift, flexible and adaptive in all spheres of their value-delivery network.


Advertising Express Magazine, Product Development, Business Environment, Business Agility, Random Access Memory, Change Management, Globalization, E-business, Consumer Goods, Supply Chain Collaboration, Enterprise Environments, Global Operations, Technology Developments, Business Process Outsourcing, BPO, Supply Chain Management.