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Advertising Express Magazine:
The Significance of Raptures in Advertising

In the drama of an advertisement, the raptures achieve exactness only when rapture and sentiments complement each other. This article, drawing insights from the legacy of Indian Natyashastra and drama, helps to develop the right ad strategy with the right mix of emotion and sentiment for a successful commercial communication.


Each advertisement is a drama and according to the three thousand year old Sanskrit classic Bharat’s Natyashastra, drama is visual poetry. There are 11 elements of Indian dramaturgy.

Dramaturgy is an anthological setting of raptures (rasa), sentiments (bhava), emotional behaviors, presentation methods, style of speech (verbal or written), local distinctiveness of populace, system of achievement or success, tuneful annotations, musical effects of words and presentation, song-ability of words and place of drama (media). The principle of Indian dramaturgy is also applicable to the structure of advertisement. Whether it is a visiting card or a thousand page company profile, it creates one or more raptures in the chitta (mind, intellect and ego) of responders. There can be no rapture without sentiments and no sentiments without rapture. Therefore, in the drama of an advertisement, the raptures achieve exactness only when rapture and sentiments complement each other.


The Significance of Raptures, in Advertising, successful commercial communication, local distinctiveness, achievement or success, tuneful annotations, words and presentation, song-ability, place of drama media, sentiments complement