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Advertising Express Magazine:
Spiritual Brands

Spirituality and branding might not be related to the context of conventional practices of management; but the concepts of branding apply almost in the same context to spirituality as to that of marketing. India, the land where spirituality attained its culmination, is interestingly the major player in offering more number of spiritual brands. This article explores varied dimensions of spiritual brands.


It's 7 a.m. in the morning. Aditi (26), who has just got up from the hectic schedule of last night, turns on her TV to watch her favorite soothing discourse by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar of `Art of Living Foundation' where she usually finds her 30 minutes of joy. Aditi, who is a journalist, generally has to work late nights and the schedule and deadlines she has to meet, drives her crazy. She very quickly admits that while her professional life had just begun, the pressures on the job had already taken the toll and so she has started to find great relief and sense of satisfaction by hearing these lessons and discourses from the people who have experienced higher purpose of life. Though her favorite is Ravi Shankar, she also likes discourses by Morari Bapu and Guru Maa.

Rahul, a software engineer based in Canada, is earning in six figures per month. He is already 32 years old, but has no time to get married as he is too preoccupied in accumulating the balance of his savings bank account. While monetarily Rahul's balances may have swelled, his spiritual balances are towards bankruptcy. Of late, Rahul has started feeling lonely and sometimes wonders he has lost all the charm and appeal for life. He recently read the book What are You Doing with Your Life? by J Krishnamurthy in his quest to find the meaning of his life. He has also started reading ancient Indian texts like Mahabharata and Ramayana to explore the hidden treasure in them and to make his life more meaningful. He has also joined the IYF (ISCKON Youth Forum) to bring about the much-needed vision in his life.


Advertising Express Magazine, Spiritual Brands, Conventional Practices of Management, Trusted Spiritual Brands, Relaxation-Breathing Technique, Great Cultural Legacies, Higher Meaning of Life, Founder Art of Living, Morari Bapu, Amma, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Love and Compassion, Universal Love and Acceptance.