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Advertising Express Magazine:
Employment Branding : The Great Branding Campaign

Employment Branding is the new buzzword. Development and management of an employment brand demand much in reserves and commitment, but the payoffs are enormous. Used wisely, a brand will be capable of attracting prospective applicants who are just right for the company, create a powerful vision for the employees and, eventually, build the company's image as the employer of choice. To put it precisely, successful companies are those willing to capitalize on the link between employment branding and employer of choice and venturing to go that extra mile and engage the public.


Employment branding is the newest strategy in employment. It is one of the few long-standing solutions to the "scarcity of talent" crisis and which plans to offer an incessant flow of applicants. Though employment branding sounds classy and sophisticated, in reality it is very simple. All the ingredients of the employment brandthe name, tag line, emblem, and blueprintcombine to form a message about what will be the work experience in the company. It is a potent recruitment, retention and motivational tool wherein the communicated message identifies with ones' company in the public eye. Employment branding uses the tools of marketing research, public relations, and advertising to transform the image candidates have of "what it is like to work in the firm". Example: Infosys, a leading global software company has established in the minds of the applicants a good image, that it is a really a great place to work in. The company advertisements in the opportunities column has its employees pose and speak all about what Infosys is, how Infosys has helped them to achieve both on the professional and personal front, etc. This has made a positive impact on the applicants' minds to join the company.

Become the talked about company in the key industry and get wide public coverage in meritorious publications that are likely to be read by highly paid prospective customers which will lead to increased firm exposure to the applicants - TATA, Nestlé, Wipro, HLL, etc. Get enlisted as best place to work from recognized institutions - research institutes, government bodies or any world recognized centers that result in surging exposure after being ranked.


Advertising Express Magazine, Employment Branding, HR Professionals, Employment Branding Campaign, Employment Brands, Multinational Companies, MNCs, Innovation and Productivity, Management Practices, Marketing Research, Internal Branding.