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Independent Film-making and Distribution : Some Trends

The ever-increasing production costs coupled with lack of sufficient opportunities for new talent with major production houses have forced a scenario of film-making independent of major studios. Independent films, often referred to as Indie films, have occupied a prominent position in recent times. However, independent filmmakers face many difficulties, especially with regard to financing and distribution. The development of new technologies in both production and distribution, and the availability of many independent film festivals have given a boost to the growth and development of independent films.


Independent film distribution is the lifeblood of the movie-going public that is looking for something different from the mainstream mush of Hollywood entertainment.

Until the mid-1950s, in the arena of global cinema, feature film production was restricted to major studios and it needed huge investments and also specialized labor. Nobody even thought that one day films could be made by ordinary individuals using their own money. However, evolution of innovative technologies in the areas of film raw material and other allied photographic equipment has led to the development of 16-mm (narrow-gauge) film and appropriate cameras. These innovative technologies made it a virtual reality for individual film-makers that led to the growth of independent films and their subsequent proliferation.

Independent film, popularly referred to as Indie film, is a film initially produced without financing or distribution from a major movie studio. However, often, films that receive less than 50% of their budget from major studios are also considered independent.


Advertising Express Magazine, Independent Film-making, Innovative Projects, Technology Developments, Motion Pictures Association, Growth and Development, Independent Film Distribution, Analog Technologies, Independent Film-Makers, DV Technology, Federal Express Award.