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Advertising Express Magazine:
A Taxonomy of Brand Definitions

Advertising in the past had little appeal and was less experimented. Nowadays, advertisements have become more dynamic and future-oriented and started concentrating on social aspects and themes of love and affection. This article discusses related issues.


Advertising, which originated from a Latin word "Advertire", is really performing a magic in today's business environment. The advertisers have transformed themselves to larger extent in the aspects like novel presentation of themes, decreasing duration of advertisements, and faster replacement of old advertisements by new advertisements, and they have become more conscious regarding social concepts.

Advertising is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor. Advertising conveys concepts about companies, goods and services by means of words, pictures, diagrams, sounds, music, color, shape and symbol on two levels of significancethe rational and the emotional.

Objectives of advertising are finding new users, supporting sales force, increasing profit, reaching customers who would otherwise be inaccessible to sales staff and reducing selling costs. Main functions of advertising department are preparation and control of advertising budget, allocation of funds, supervising advertising and market research, and distribution of advertising material.Romans and Greeks were first people who started advertising by drumming and sign boards. Winston Churchill had once pointed out "Advertising nourishes the consuming power of men. It creates wants for a better standard of living . It spurs individual exertion and great production".


Advetising Express Magazine, Business Environment, Advertising Budgets, Mural Advertising, Advertising Agency, Cadbury's Chocolate, Advertising Industry, Advertising Themes, Market Research, Media Planning, Market Penetration, Corporate Advertising, Marginal Analysis Approach, Product or Services.