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Global CEO Magazine:
Knowledge workers : Insights from Peter Drucker


The legendary thoughts of Peter Drucker transformed corporate management in the 20th century to the hilt. He will be remembered for many things, especially for his concept of `Knowledge Worker' which brought revolutionary changes in the way the workforce is treated in the corporate world today.

In this global knowledge economy, competitiveness is derived from the knowledge, skills and innovation of the workforce. Learning, training and the education system play a crucial role in the nation's ability to prosper. Knowledge is the key factor in sustaining competitive advantage at both the organizational and national levels. Today, without knowledge workers much of the world business came to a standstill. Knowledge workers account for more than two-thirds of the global workforce. In an era of knowledge workers, companies are increasingly gaining more value from them than they do from the physical assets or products. This is more visible in the Internet world in which knowledge workers are in high demand.

At the beginning of 20th century, unskilled labor accounted for about 90% of the work force, but today it is closer to 20%. As the countries across the globe morphs into a knowledge economy, the new work force has become the kingpin to an organizational success. However, on the other hand, many companies are yet to figure out how to manage this vital workforce. According to a report, the average company with 1000 employees loses over $12 mn annually as a result. By providing right culture and right opportunities, companies can maintain the loyalty of the knowledge workers in their workforce.

Veteran management guru Peter Drucker's thoughts transformed corporate management in the 20th century. His ideas and writings are still considered by many to be the most indisputable in management. He will be remembered for many things, especially for his concept `Knowledge Worker' which brought revolutionary changes in the way the workforce is treated today in the corporate world. He coined the term "knowledge worker" more than 35 years ago in his book Landmarks of Tomorrow. He describes the character of knowledge workersKnowledge Workers are not satisfied with work that is only a livelihood.


Knowledge workers : Insights from Peter Drucker , legendary, corporate, management, revolutionary, workforce, knowledge workers, innovation, Learning, training, education system, competitive,organizational, national levels, world business, high demand, products, knowledge economy, opportunities, professionals, good employees.