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Global CEO Magazine:


India with a huge intellectual talent pool has a clear advantage over the other countries as a global outsourcing destination. The two entrants, after Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), are Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) and Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO). Though KPO and LPO have been under the BPO shadow for a long time, they have now become more specialized and even stronger than BPO in terms of growth rate and career prospects. The article discusses the current scenario, government's initiatives and the challenges facing the industry.

Just as in science when an element is unknown and can take any value, we replace it with "X". Similarly, the rate at which processes are being outsourced from west to east, what might be the next thing to be outsourced is really a thing beyond the imagination of poor human mind.

The two entrants, after Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), are Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) and Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO). Though KPO and LPO have been under the BPO shadow for a long time, they have now become more specialized and even stronger services than BPO in terms of growth rate and career prospects.

Nowadays, with the advent of information technology, almost everything is being outsourced. It is very well said by Nandan Nilekani,CEO, Infosys Technology Ltd., "Everything you can send down a wire is up for grabs." Today processes like legal services, Engineering R&D, Market Research & Analytics, Writing & Content Development, Pharma R&D, Healthcare Services, and Education & Training are being outsourced.


XPO , intellectual, talent pool, global outsourcing, destination, entrants, Business Process , Knowledge Process , Legal Process , industry, information technology, legal services, Engineering R&D, Market Research , Analytics, Development, Pharma R&D, Healthcare Services, Education , Training, cheap labor ,material.