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HRM Review Magazine:
Emotional Intelligence for Managerial Excellence


Gone are the days when mere academic brilliance or technical expertise were considered to account for professional excellence. People with high intelligence quotient failed to achieve what those with lesser intelligence quotient succeeded to do. In addition to intelligence, certain other competencies like self-awareness, empathy, understanding emotions and managing them, which is popularly known as emotional intelligence, helps managers in drawing out extraordinary performance from ordinary employees. The article explores various quotients of emotional intelligence and enumerates how managers can formulate strategy, sustain motivation, achieve team effectiveness and create great work atmosphere leading to outstanding success at work.

Indra Nooyi, apparently termed as an average student of IIM-C raced her way to success to covet the enviable CEO position of PepsiCo.

Dhirubhai Ambani, without any formal exposure to management education went on to be the architect of Reliance Empire by the sheer dint of hardwork and excellent people management skills.As per the research at Turknett Leadership Group, there is almost no difference in technical skill between the best leaders they have coached and those who are rated the lowest. The difference lies in their ability to facilitate teamwork, motivate others, and be an inspirational role model.

This emphatically contradicts the widely held belief that intelligence or Intelligent Quotient (IQ) wholly determines professional success in life. History is replete with many examples of those who have made an indelible mark despite not having impressive intellectual credentials. It is surprising to note that people with high IQ fail to achieve what those with lesser IQ coupled with qualities like initiative, adaptability, drive for achievement, understanding people, empathy, etc., succeed. What sets apart Dhirubhai Ambani or Indra Nooyi from the brand of other managers with far more academic excellence lies in their ability to balance the qualities of head and heart. Others obsessed with brilliance in academics and poor at emotional competencies have soon faded into oblivion. Those emotional competencies that set apart the average performers from the stars are popularly known as emotional intelligence.


Emotional Intelligence for Managerial Excellence , academic brilliance , technical expertise , professional,quotient, competencies,self-awareness, empathy, managers, strategy, maintaining relationships, good employee, productivity,customers ,personal emotional , intellectual ability .