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HRM Review Magazine:
Management by `Managemind'


Managemind, an approach developed by the authors, views management process from an Indian philosophical perspective. It helps managers at different levels in an organization to effectively discharge their duties. This article delves deep into the concept of Managemind and brings out its importance in an organization.

Management is an external intervention. Persons who do not have a clear understanding of themselves, their feelings, thoughts, actions, weaknesses and powers are trying to influence external situations, objects and other people's feelings thoughts and actions. Nemo dat quod non habet, means no one can give what he does not have. So if a manager or an executive wants to generate `synergy', which is the surplus energy generated out of a group activity, then first of all he should build up his own mind. At present management is the process of knowing others without knowing oneself. A person who is not able to control his feelings, thoughts, mental worries and actions cannot exert control over others, which is a major drawback of the present management system. This must be converted into a systematic process of knowing things, people and situation by knowing oneself.

For this the technique is `Managemind'. The source of happiness, sorrow, content and discontent do not lie in any external objects or factors, but it lies in the human mind. For instance, a person who is very much interested in watching films cannot enjoy it when he is not mentally or physically well. Here it can be gathered that external things do not generate happiness or sorrow, but it is the mind that creates these two. A human mind can be compared to a horse with a bridle. A properly trained horse is used for riding and the role of the rider is to effectively control the horse to reach the destination. Here the rider is the human being who controls his mind (referred to the horse) with the bridle of `intelligence'. Controlling and managing the mind is more important than controlling and managing external events. So every human being is a manager who manages his mind and the best manager achieves success in life. The success of external management depends on the success of internal management.


Management by `Managemind', philosophical, managers, organization, master sense, effectively, Market-based Management, material resources, mental deficiency, human beings, communication, sorrow, hatred, anger, jealousy, hostility, timidity, love, happiness, patience, mercy, sacrifice, confidence, courage, behavior .