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HRM Review Magazine:
Feelings : Minding the Mind


This article talks about feelings, both positive and negative, and how unexpressed negative feelings lead to strain and stress. It also discusses the importance of accurate and effective expression of feelings. When an individual is aware of his feelings, it gives him a clear idea about his optimal level of stress, which is constructive in nature. It offers a sure rudder for keeping himself in harmony. As this optimal stress level differs from each person, stress SWOT analysis helps an individual to understand his unique position with respect to stress management. Apart from stress SWOT analysis, cognitive-behavioral methods are also found to be effective methods to reduce stress. This article also focusses on the link between the heart and the mind. The `bottom line' of stress management is our mind and heart must be harmonized by handling negative feelings and strain in an effective way.

Origin of any feeling is a `need'. If the need gets satisfied, the person experiences a positive feeling. On the other hand, if the need does not get satisfied the person experiences a negative feeling. Feelings are usually followed by an action or behavior.

For an example, a person who feels sad may cry out. In which `sadness' is a feeling and `crying out' is the behavior. Feelings of anger or frustration that are not expressed in an acceptable way may lead to hostility, a sense of helplessness and depression. Although the concept of communication and `letting your feelings out' has been so excessively promoted and parodied, still many do not know how to express their feelings.

Expressing feelings does not mean venting frustration on family members and subordinates, boring friends with emotional stories, or wallowing in self-pity. We have to stop thinking of our feelings as irrelevant and messy, realize we are in fact highly differentiated, and feelings are the nuanced patterns of reaction, knowable sources of information.


Feelings : Minding the Mind, strain, effective expression , SWOT analysis, optimal stress , stress management, cognitive-behavioral, psychological, good self-esteem, eliminate stress, our health, increase our energy, excess emotions, management techniques,powerful contacts, coworkers, Family, friends, professional, irritability, depression, jealousy, decreased frustration, tolerance.