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Advertising Express Magazine:
Humor in Advertising

Humor needs no introduction. The very word makes your funny bones tickle. It has a global language, which has been used by all authors, playwrites, politicians and filmmakers to convey the messages. The list is a long one. Humor is capable to seek the attention of all at once. It can be termed as the ability of laughing at things instantaneously. It is the only powerful tool that can make people smile and think at the same time. It could be slapstick or debatable one, but it makes an indelible mark in one's mind.

No wonder, ad pundits are vying with each other in infusing humor effectively to sell a host of products. These people are aware that brand building and promoting sales are the twin objectives their ads should achieve. Familiarity breeds contempt is a relevant adage in this profession. The advertisers who are highly innovative, creative and can create concepts that perfectly matches the modern trends, can succeed in this field. Creation of every ad is an exhilarating experience for them. The advertisers employ various gimmicks to capture the attention of the viewers and one such strategy is infusing humor in ads. The advertisers, while using humor in their ads should bear in mind the target audience and the message the ad has to put across. To achieve this end, they should be highly on their toes and come out with fresh ideas, which would keep the audience glued to the TV sets. The proliferation of TV channels and other media has forced the advertisers to use humor in the ads so as to grab the attention of viewers immediately, amidst all clutter and noise. One should also understand the fact that the ad people are given just 30/60 seconds in case of TV channels and they are expected to convey the message in the shortest possible time which really is a Herculean task.


Humor in Advertising, advertising industry, across the globe, spreading, supersonic speed, advertising professionals, brand building, promoting sales, twin objectives, Familiarity breeds contempt, profession, advertisers, highly innovative, creative, create modern concepts, perfectly match, modern trends, exhilarating experience, attempt various gimmicks, interesting dimension, briefly enumerates, animating section, rib-tickling Indian ads, various TV channels