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Advertising Express Magazine:
Point of Purchase Advertising : Final Opportunity to Influence Consumer Decision-making

Point of Purchase (POP) advertising is widely used in the retail set-up(In-store), be it retailing of products or services. Various researches state that 70% of the purchase decisions are made by the consumer after entering the store. This degree varies depending upon the product category and the retail format. POP is the only medium that places advertising, products and a consumer together in the same place at the same time. POP is the only medium that places advertising, products and a consumer together in the same place at the same time. POP advertising is one of the fastest growing categories and powerful media as one of the components of marketing communication mix in today's marketplace. POP advertising communicates the brand message and works as a silent salesman at the time when consumer can patronize a product or forgo a product and the company selling that product, without spending money on its advertisements.

POP advertising helps the marketer by providing the final opportunity to influence the consumer decision-making at the last three stages of the marketing plan. It is a very important mass advertising medium. It is implemented at the significant point where products, consumers and the money to purchase the product join together. In the age of Return on Investment (RoI) marketing and given marketing challenges like fragmented consumer segments, POP advertising is gaining importance in the marketers' ad budget. The emergence of below-the-line promotions and retail marketing communications is becoming an essential part of the Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) strategy.


Point of Purchase Advertising : Final Opportunity to Influence Consumer Decision-making, retail set-up, retailing of products, services, Various researches, purchase decisions, consumer, entering the store, product category, retail format, products and a consumer, fastest growing categories, powerful media, components, marketing communication mix, marketplace, POP advertising communicates, brand message, silent salesman, patronize a product, forgo a product, company selling, spending money