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Global CEO Magazine:
Ten leadership : lessons learnt

Much has been spoken and written about leaders from the Western world and the leadership lessons gleaned. More needs to be written about the Asian world/leadership with valuable lessons and applications drawn. In this article, through the story of Hang Tuah, the legendary Malay hero of the Malacca Sultanate, a university don discusses several universal leadership lessons learnt.

Leaders live on! Their names and actions are never forgotten. A Malayan saying goes: Harimau mati meninggalkan belang, manusia mati meninggalkan nama. Meaning, tigers die leaving their stripes (their hide), but humans die leaving their names and reputations. A person dies, but his deeds live on.

In the Malay world, Hang Tuah was a legendary hero who lived during the reign of Sultan Mansur Shah (1456-1477) of the Malacca Sultanate in the 15th century. The origin and history of Malaysia could, in fact, be traced back to this Sultanate. The greatest of all the laksamana or sultan's admirals, Hang Tuah, was known to be a fierce warrior. Held in the highest regard, even in present-day Malay culture, Hang Tuah is arguably the most well-known and illustrious figure in Malay history and literature. (Wikipedia, 2007)

Ever since his early days, Hang Tuah and his four friends embodied comradeship and stood by each other through thick and thin. They even dug a well in their village known as the Hang Tuah Well which still stands today. Hang Tuah and his close-knit group of friends eventually became the Malay equivalent of the Three Musketeers. (Wikipedia, 2007)


Ten leadership : lessons learnt, leadership lessons gleaned, valuable lessons, applications drawn, Malacca Sultanate, several universal leadership,admirals, Hang Tuah, martial arts, fearless knights, extremely popular Malay legend, royal court, historical account, romantic tale, remains popular, enduring experience, Malay character, worthy of all emulation, national culture of Malaysia