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Global CEO Magazine:
Transforming business through supply chain excellence

Delivering exceptional `customer value' by way of supply chain innovation and excellence helps organizations achieve a sustainable competitive edge, which can transform their businesses. Such distinctive supply chain capability created through remarkable innovations in its operations drives towards sustained market leadership and dramatic growth. Innovative Supply Chain Management (SCM) practices, focused on establishing a seamless integration, visibility and execution capabilities, enhance operational efficiency, agility, resilience, reliability and Efficient Customer Response (ECR), essential to achieve supply chain excellence. A range of proven best practices and state-of-the-art SCM technologies lay the foundation for operational innovation across supply chain and optimize customer value.

Global economy has completely changed the way the businesses should operate today, to ensure sustained growth and success. Businesses worldwide are struggling hard to sustain competitiveness, market leadership and growth in a rapidly globalizing economy. The heat of the competition is being felt in all the areas of economy leading the companies to focus more on achieving global competitiveness through enhanced operational efficiency, reduced costs, shrunken lead-times and renewed service levels, all at one go.


Transforming business through supply chain excellence, Delivering exceptional, customer value, supply chain innovation, organizations achieve, sustainable competitive edge, transform their businesses, distinctive supply chain capability, remarkable innovations, operations drives, sustained market leadership, dramatic growth, Innovative Supply Chain Management, establishing a seamless integration, execution capabilities, enhance operational efficiency, agility, resilience, reliability, Efficient Customer Response, optimize customer value