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Global CEO Magazine:
Successful expatriate management

Considering that expatriation is on the rise around the world, HR professionals are faced with the challenge of providing as much consistency and clarity in their expatriate policies as is possible, while taking into account the unique requirements that expatriates are likely to have in different locations. This article outlines some of the key aspects that they need to keep their fingers on so that the goals of the organization, as well as the specific requirements of the expatriates are met within certain predictable parameters. Adopting these measures can play a key role in enhancing the effectiveness of expatriate management.

Globally, majority of companies expect to see growth in the expatriate population. China is expected to witness the highest growth over the next two years. India is also expected to record significant growth as a number of multinationals and Fortune 500 companies, such as GE, Intel, Motorola, Texas Instruments, Microsoft, Toyota, Samsung, Coca Cola, LG, etc. (Suchanti, 2006) are evincing keen interest in India. There is an upsurge in the number of expatriates coming to India. These expatriates belong to all levels - CEOs, middle management and technicians in all the industries. Many perceive China and India to emerge as economic powerhouses in the years to come. India's economic growth is yet to see its best but it is on an upward trend. Some Asian countries were perceived as hardship locations by expatriates and their employers had to pay huge incentives to motivate them to work in such countries.


Successful expatriate management, expatriation, rise around the world, HR professionals, challenge of providing, consistency and clarity, expatriate policies, requirements, expatriates, different locations, organization, specific requirements, certain predictable parameters, enhancing the effectiveness, expatriate management,middle management, GE, Intel, Motorola, Texas Instruments, Microsoft, Toyota, Samsung, Coca Cola, LG