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Global CEO Magazine:
Radical Innovation : Risk Mitigation Techniques

In the volatile global marketplace, every company—from a multinational conglomerate to a one-person street vendor—battles for survival. Increased competition, strategic plan entropy and technological change require innovation to be top-of-mind for every corporate leader. Only radical, game-changing innovation can significantly alter the competitive landscape in favor of the innovator. By implementing counter-intuitive measures related to the acquisition of innovative ideas, realignment of customer relationships, recruitment of a richly diverse staff and redesign of metrics related to corporate success, risk can be mitigated as corporations engage in the radical innovation so essential to their long-term viability.


In this age of cut-throat competition, successful and protracted innovation must be a ready weapon in every company's arsenal. As Stanford University Graduate School of Business Professor Anthony Davila noted, "Superior innovation provides a company the opportunities to grow faster, better, and smarter than their competitors, ultimately influencing the direction of their industry…In the long run, the only reliable security for any company is the ability to innovate better and longer than competitors." As Matthew May of the University of Toyota said, today innovation is a life or death issue: "Those who fail to constantly ideate and initiate are destined to be eternal followers. That's okay for some, even many. But refuse to adapt, and the near future may include the auction block."

Innovation involves taking risks because it requires working with the unknown. As Carl Schramm, President of the Kaufmann Foundation and business theorist said, "It is obvious that there is no way an entrepreneur can avoid risk. It is inherent in the process of starting companies." Strategos Chairman Gary Hamel has showed that, although some organizations focus upon incremental innovation or are `fast followers', to limit the risk inevitably associated with innovation, game-changing radical innovation is essential: "Without radical innovation, a company will devote a mountain of resources to achieve a molehill of differentiation." How is radical innovation defined? As Hamel noted, "A radical idea is one that upends some industry convention, significantly changes customer expectations in a net-positive way, dramatically alters the pricing or cost structure of the industry or changes the basis for competitive advantage within the industry."

Schramm asserted that, "Risk can be informed and reduced with information and practice." The fundamental mechanism for risk mitigation is increased organizational variability. This paper surveys measures, many of them strongly counter-intuitive, that serve to mitigate risk as corporations engage in the radical innovation so essential to their long-term viability. To succeed in the modern economic era, companies must ultimately revolutionize the rules of corporate engagement. As Apple Inc. fellow and noted entrepreneur Guy Kawasaki said, "Think different in order to change the rules. By definition, if you don't change the rules, you aren't a revolutionary, and if you don't think different, you won't change the rules."


Global CEO Magazine, Radical Innovation, Risk Mitigation Techniques, Global Marketplace, Corporate Leaders, Innovation, Corporate Strategies, Corporate Metrics, Innovation Leadership, Business Decisions, Statistical Market Research, Innovation Metrics.