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HRM Review Magazine:
Engaging Employees to Drive Global Business Success : Insights from Mercer's What's Working™ Research

Employee engagement fosters and drives discretionary behavior, eliciting employees' highest productivity, their best ideas and their genuine commitment to the success of the organization. Engagement contributes significantly to an organization's performance, leading to improvement in service quality, customer satisfaction and long-term financial results. All other factors being equal, it also serves the individual, fulfilling a basic human need to be connected to worthwhile endeavors and make a significant contribution. In short, engagement is good for the company and for the employee. This article throws light on the drivers of employee engagement.


On the surface, a workforce composed of employees who are satisfied with their jobs may seem like a desirable and even optimal state for an organization. But in today's global business environment, it is becoming clear that job satisfaction is not enough to help forge the link between employee performance and positive business results.

Over the last two decades, employers' needs and interests have moved from creating conditions and programs that result in employees who are merely "satisfied" with pay, benefits and working conditions, to employees who are "committed" to the organization and not considering a move, to those who are genuinely "engaged" in the work and mission of the organization. For employers, engagement has become the search for the "Holy Grail" of the 21st century.

We define engagement as a psychological state in which employees feel a vested interest in the company's success and are both willing and motivated to perform to levels that exceed the stated job requirements.It reflects how employees feel about the overall work experience—the organization, its leaders, the work environment and the recognition and rewards they receive for their efforts.


HRM Review Magazine, Global Business Success, Employee Engagement, Global Business Environment, Global Economy, Organizational Practices, Financial Services, Performance Management, Global Workforce-Management, Economic Development, Organizational Communication, Strategic HR Management, Global Workforces, Global HR Decisions, Employment Branding.