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MBA Review Magazine :
Entrepreneurial Skills for Youth

Presently, the Indian youth are facing two problems—one is lack of soft skills and the second is lack of entrepreneurial skills. This article focuses on the causes of the same and how to develop these skills. The concept of KASH, which stands for Knowledge, Attitude, Skills and Habits, is highlighted in this context. In the end, it calls upon the youth to develop both their leadership and entrepreneurial skills for the growth of our nation.


The Indian youth is faced with two problems—one is lack of soft skills to get placed in the corporate world and the second is the lack of entrepreneurial skills to start his own business enterprise. The youth of today are hard-working and talented as it has been proved beyond doubt from their academic achievements. They have proved to be good at hard skills but lack in soft skills, which upsets their prospects of getting proper placements.

Students successfully complete their academic studies and apply for jobs and unfortunately they fail to live up to the expectations and aspirations of the employers who stress more on soft skills rather than on hard skills. Even if few get recruited with a convincing attitude and approach to be molded to the requirements of the employers, subsequently they fail to live up to the required standards and are finally fired for lack of certain skill sets.

Now coming to the second problem of entrepreneurship, the students are ambitious to experiment with new things but unfortunately are not encouraged by the parents as parents want their children to play safe. Entrepreneurship is quite challenging and most of the students at their age and stage would like to try but the socio-economic conditions do not encourage for the same. What ails in the present system? Before we look at the present system let us know the definition of entrepreneurship.


MBA Review Magazine, Entrepreneurial Skills, Corporate World, Business Enterprise, Business Ventures, Corporate Culture, Leadership Skills, KASH, Knowledge, Attitude, Skills and Habits, Economic Policies, Indian entrepreneurs, N R Narayana Murthy, Azim Premji, Ramalinga Raju.