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MBA Review Magazine :
Mobile Learning : The Dawn of a New Era

A silent social revolution is going on with the emergence of a connected mobile society. A wide variety of information sources and means of communication is, nowadays, easily available at home, the workplace, in educational institutions and the community at large.


With the increasing bandwidth facilities and rapid penetration of mobile services, students are connecting with the faculty through academic, social and infrastructure applications. Now commonly abbreviated to "M-learning (Mobile Learning)", it has different meanings for different communities. Though it is related to distance education and e-learning, it is distinct in its focus. Wikipedia defines M-learning as "Learning that happens across locations or that takes advantage of learning opportunities offered by portable technologies." The procedure of m-learning must include the ability to learn everywhere at everytime without permanent physical connection to cable networks.

The increasing usage of mobile learning reduces the limitation of learning location with the mobility of general portable devices. The term learning here starts with portable technologies, which could be in a fixed location such as a classroom. M-learning employs wireless communication, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), digital content from traditional textbooks etc., to facilitate a dynamic learning environment for students. M-learning puts down the framework for more investigation into the fusion of education and technology.


MBA Review Magazine, Mobile Learning, M-learning, Social Revolution, Information Sources, Mobile Services, Personal Digital Assistants, PDAs, Dynamic Learning Environment, Knowledge Economy, Information and Communication Technology, ICT, Management Systems, e-learning, D-learning, Web-Based Learning, Mobile Technologies.