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MBA Review Magazine :
Negotiation Skills : A Core Management Skill

Effective negotiation helps people resolve conflicts. Despite the fact that negotiating is a vital skill, most students are taught nothing about it in B-Schools.


The word `Yes' has to be the best word in English. However, in negotiation it is not so good a word as it leads one to please the other side and to comprise early. Therefore, in negotiation, the best word is `No' to bad deals everytime. Negotiation is something that people do all the time and is also used for beyond business purposes. It is typically considered as cooperation between two parties to settle an issue to benefit as much as possible.

If you have to win the resources you need and getting what you want from people over whom you have little authority, you are required to brush up your win-win negotiation skills. As effective negotiation helps people to resolve circumstances. The aim of a winning negotiation is to find a solution that is acceptable to both the parties. After the event, both the parties feel that they have won in some way. There are different styles and types of negotiation that people use depending upon the circumstances. Leigh L Thompson and Helen Kellogg, Distinguished Professors of Management and Organizations as well as authors of book, Negotiation: The Mind and the Heart, defines negotiation as "an interpersonal decision-making process by which two or more people agree how to allocate scarce resources. The definition is clearly indicated that it is difficult to imagine how people can get through a single day without negotiating.


MBA Review Magazine, Negotiation Skills, Core Management Skill, Decision Making Process, Asymmetric Disconfirmation, Human Resource Management, Negotiation Strategy, Interpersonal Skills, Management Training, Analytical Skills, Management Skills.