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Advertising Express Magazine:
Reinventing Film Promotion

The article examines the contemporary trends and marketing communication techniques being adopted by the Hindi film industry of late. Through a comparative study, the article attempts to understand the nature and the makeup of the promotional mix (comprising of the new and the old mass media) in the films being released nowadays. It has been observed that the concept of 360 degree branding has gained ground in film promotion over the past few years.


For quite sometime, outdoor advertising has led the promotional bandwagon of Hindi cinema. Prior to the electronic revolution, filmmakers relied heavily on film posters on hoardings and walls to prolong a films' life cycle. Gradually, publicity and intermittent attempts at public relations also made their presence felt at defining moments like the Mahurat (the official start to the film flagged off by the producer in a ceremonial celebration complete with all rituals and traditions) and the Premier (the day before the final release of the film). It was largely push marketing at work. The film was pushed to the audience en masse through various links in the production chain. From the producers to the distributors and then to the final audience, the film followed a path sequentially interlinked and traveled. Promotion—the fourth P of the marketing mix was always significant to a film but the other elements of the marketing communication mix were stale, unimaginative and far too repetitive to allow exclusive perceptual space in the minds of the moviegoers. However, all this changed with the technological revolution of the 1990s.

Emergence of varied communi-cation conduits and faster modes of information dissemination has opened new paradigms of promotion to lend support to films—the most celebrated `product' of Indian trade and commerce. Today, promotion of a film has assumed top priority and has become the controlling variable of success. The film industry has organized itself in relation to the production process and hierarchal levels making the task of promotion, an inclusive, albeit a challenging, task. Promotional budget's are no more a mere 10% of the total outlay, opening up new motley of opportunities for positioning a film. The new era has ushered in a systemic flow of creative thoughts and actions in communication planning, integration, innovation and effectiveness. Film marketing (many would vehemently stress arguing to the cumulative use of all 5Ps) has donned six hats: conventional advertising, public relations and publicity, direct marketing, personal selling, events and sales promotions. Mix them all together and you get a holistic communication campaign with preset goals and results. As the spotlight remains focused, it becomes imperative to find out the factors that led to reinvention of promotional communication in our Hindi films.


Advertising Express Magazine, Reinventing Film Promotion, Marketing Communication, Film Promotion, Outdoor Advertising, Electronic Revolution, Push Marketing, Conventional Advertising, Cinematic Experience, Online Advertising, Marcomm Agencies, Promotional Budgets, Ambush Marketing.