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HRM Review Magazine:
The Brand "Me"

The purpose of this article is to make normal individuals realize the importance of self-aggrandizement in this highly competitive world and know the importance of creating a brand called "Me". The article begins with the various definitions of branding and the different types of branding in existence at present. It then goes on to suggest ways to individuals, to create a message about self and a strategy to promote oneself. Individuals need to question as to what makes them a better brand than the others. The article finally ends with a case study on how normal and ordinary individuals have created a brand for themselves and have been successful in life.


Life is a game-play it. When life is compared to a game, we surely aren't referring to life being just a fun-filled exercise, but are talking about a game that requires dedication, strategic planning, and a certain methodology. A game when played seriously has some rules and regulations to be followed and if we want to win it, the rules are tougher and harder. The ground rule to ensure success in a tournament is that we need to start right at the bottom. To reach the higher levels in the tournament, we need to be, not just above average, but exhibit a stellar performance. So, what should we do to ensure success in life?

We need to create a brand called `Me'. At a time when the entire world is thriving in the use of branded ware, by creating a message for self and promoting self, we become a brand worthy of notice.

In management terminology, branding is defined as a trade name for a product. Yet another definition says, it is goods and merchandise marked or labeled by a distinctive word or symbol indicating exclusive rights.

There are different types of branding like co-branding, corporate branding, individual branding, personal branding, and employer branding.


HRM Review Magazine, Strategic Planning, Corporate Branding, Personal Branding, Employer Branding, Technical Skills, Socioeconomic Levels, Showcasing Enthusiasm, Technical Expectations, Behavioral Expectations, Co-Branding.