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HRM Review Magazine:
Women Governance - A Real Solution for Your Organization

The other day as I was reading the newspaper, I found that one lady police inspector had filed a case against the then Chief Speaker of Orissa for sexual harassment and, at the same time, in the Business Section, I found a fabulous article on Indra Nooyi, Chairman and CEO of PepsiCo., as a world class leader and having a sharp strategic mind and tremendous market insight. What does it mean? Should we tell that women are no more on the back foot or is it happening occasionally? It will be quite exaggerating, if I say that the man-oriented world is no more. But still I can say, there are some women achievers who are giving a unique picture of women in society as a multitasker or a balancer, which may not always be the case with the opposite gender.


We face business crisis irrespective of the company, industry are time. Not just one industry or one country, business crisis can come anywhere. Only some change is needed in the organizational governance which may make things positive. Let us analyze some common crises, which business personnel face and let's try to find solutions for the same from the perspective of women governance.

Small scale industries have a significant role in any country's economy. Particularly, for a developing country that has opened its market for foreign players, they are crucial elements today, as small scale industries are facing stiff competition from big giants. It is a very difficult task for the government to protect small- scale industries. Then, should we conclude that in the liberalized economy, there is a limited scope for small-scale industries? Perhaps, no. Then, how can small-scale companies give equal challenge to big companies? Let us take an Indian company to analyze the question. In India, we were expecting that after liberalization, the Indian domestic company will be affected. And it is true to some extent. However, soon after the liberalization, Shri Mahila Griha Udyog Lijjat Papad (SMGULP) a women entrepreneurial success has proved this wrong by having a turnover of Rs. 3 bn, which is several times higher than the turnover they were having before the liberalization of the Indian economy.


HRM Review Magazine, Women Governance, Organizational Governance, Business Organization, Quantitative Corporate Goals, Economic Downturn, Employee Productivity, Organization Productivity, Monetary Motivation, Time Management, Mergers and Acquisitions, Marketing Strategy.