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MBA Review Magazine:
B-Schools: Challenges in the Post-financial Crisis

The present global scenario requires another self-evaluation of the Indian education sector, especially in the area of business management education.


Indian management education is comparable to that of any progressive country. The sound solid mathematical foundation given to our students is appreciated by many intellectuals. This foundation has helped India to gain a prominent position in the field of Information Technology (IT). This knowledge base has given an edge in supplying the much-needed technical and managerial manpower to the entire globe.

The Indian economy needs a lot of manpower for its sustenance and the surplus is migrating to other countries in search of employment opportunities.

The subprime crisis and the consequent global meltdown require different type of managerial manpower for which the Indian younger generation is to be trained. The moot question, today, is "Are the business schools producing quality management graduates who can handle complex organizations, which employ a cross-cultural workforce, advanced manufacturing systems, marketing goods and services in several jurisdictions, and handle several foreign currencies simultaneously?"

Unfortunately, to be honest, not many B-Schools in India equip their students to handle the challenges mentioned above. Some of the causes for this inadequacy in the Indian management education sector.

The IIMs are at the top rung of management education. At the lower rung, there are innumerable private management institutes, which are plagued by the above shortcomings. In terms of value addition, they provide nothing except teaching some prescribed material with substandard faculty. Knowledge generation, dissemination and research are negligible in these institutions. Management subjects are taught in classrooms without imparting any soft or hard skills. The soft skills


MBA Review Magazine, B-Schools, Post-financial Crisis, Indian Education Sectors, Information Technology, Indian Management Education, Subprime Crisis, Management Schools, Data Collection Skills, Financial Risk Management, Decision Making Process, Global Financial Crisis, Collateralized Debt Obligations, CDOs, Financial Resources, Financial Risks.