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MBA Review Magazine:
Importance of Team Building, Employee Cohesiveness and Commitment

Trust is an important aspect that should be developed by reducing direct supervision and monitoring and transferring better control within the group itself, which would enhance the efficiency level of the individual to perform his/her job effectively and efficiently.


There are many situations in which problems are unlikely to be solved by a single individual. It has been observed that the group decision would become particularly appropriate for a non-programmed decision. Employee cohesiveness is the degree to which the members are attracted to each other and are inspired and motivated. In this context, the group leader is expected to balance the expectations of the members and the informal group of the organization. Employee cohesiveness means the togetherness of the group. Greater the cohesiveness, greater the member of the group will conform to group norms. Pride in work is greatly enhanced by making people feel trusted. A proper approach can bring out the best efforts from the employees so as to justify the confidence placed in them.

A team can be defined as a small number of people with any skills who are committed to common objectives and goals. Human relations, i.e., the interpersonal relationships need to be redesigned to become more satisfying and rewarding to the employees. Cohesiveness may be defined as "The resultant power of a group to think and act as a single unit in pursuit of a common objective." Employees' cohesiveness can be described as the attraction of members to the group in terms of the strength of forces on the individual members to remain active in the group. Thus, employee cohesiveness is one in which members act towards an agreed goal, in which everyone assumes a degree of responsibility with respect to to the goals and objectives. Team work can generate more ideas and develop more alternative solutions than individual members of the team who come from different backgrounds with different experiences and outlooks. The members in a team can check for bias and evaluate ideas more objectively. Therefore, the terms are very useful in solving certain types of problems, in the decision-making process.

The problems should be shared with the members of the team so that the alternatives solutions are generated and evaluated. The team or group decision is superior to an individual decision when the problem is complex. Team works provides a sense of dignity, self-control and satisfaction. A team makes employees feel valued and committed. The term group and team do not mean the same. A group is a collection of two or more people who interact with one another. A team, on the other hand, is a group that has a common goal.

All team building exercises must ensure that the team members are clear about their roles and possess the adequate skills to perform roles expected of them. It has been felt that, the team members need to have faith in each other's abilities, confidence, mutual understanding and character. Maintaining interpersonal relationships and trust with one another is an important factor.


MBA Review Magazine, Team Building, Employee Cohesiveness, Decision-Making Process, Interpersonal Relationships, Organizational Goals, Employee Commitment, Organizational Development, Effective Management, Organizational Loyalty, Organizational Culture.