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Advertising Express Magazine:
Six Essential Elements of Institutional Branding

The author can be reached at mohankumar69@gmail.com In today's competitive world, educational institutions should focus on building their own strong positioning statements and sound value propositions to sustain against competition. It is pivotal for institutions to create a compelling branding framework in a systematic way to deliver and fulfill their brand promises. This article focuses on the six essential brand components of institutional branding efforts and also the inter-relation between those elements.


In recent years, branding an educational institution has become the buzzword in academia, replicating the corporate brand strategies to build the overall brand. Also, universities/institutions are focusing more on branding efforts to compete against other players in the crowded global marketplace. In spite of both national and international competition, the brand building process for an institution has to follow a systematic approach to achieve the overall end results.

This article focuses on the essential components of the institutional brand building process, which will empower these institutions with the right marketing and branding systems in order to showcase their achievements appropriately and thereby remain far ahead of the competition.

Under the traditional approach, institutions or universities or schools concentrate more on the external communication media and tools such as tag line, logo, logo redesign and other kinds of advertising campaigns.

Under the modern approach, institutions or universities or schools prefer to adopt the corporate branding principles i.e., both external and internal communication media and tools to communicate the core brand value of the institution.


Advertising Express Magazine, Institutional Branding, Corporate Brand Strategies, Global Marketplace, Branding Systems, Advertising Campaigns, Communication Media, Corporate Branding Principles, Marketing Communication, Internet Marketing, Educational Services, Outdoor Advertising Channels, Community Programs Enrollment Marketing Communications, Recruitment Marketing Communications.