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Advertising Express Magazine:
Rebranding : A Strategy to Beat the Recession

Rebranding is an effort used by companies to infuse new life into their image. It is generally opined that a decline in the economy and its subsequent recovery can be a perfect time to reposition a brand. The rebranding process will help the company to showcase its strength, flexibility and send out signals of an active and thriving business. This article focuses on the changing branding scenario and rebranding strategies adopted by companies. A brand for a company is like the reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well.


Brand, branding and rebranding these are the three keywords any marketer will be familiar with. The term brand is not only used in marketing but has become a part of everyday parlance. From the time we get up in the morning till we go to bed we come across many products with many nameswhich are precisely called as `Brands'.

Thus, a brand is a symbolic embodiment of all information related to a product, or service. And the art of creating and maintaining these brands successfully is called branding. Branding serves to create an identity about the company and its product in the minds of the consumer. But what happens when the company changes its brand image of a product and gives it a new identity?

This is called rebranding. Its a process by which a product or service marketed in one name by one company is subsequently marketed in a different name or identity. This process may involve essential changes in name, logo, image, advertising, or even marketing strategies. Rebranding efforts are mainly undertaken by a corporate to reposition the brand or the company, or to come out of any negative image, which the product was suffering from, or even to take the product to a higher level in the market. Rebranding strategies can be applied to new products, those which are in the growth stages, or even to mature products. This, however, requires a methodical strategy, personal involvements and even more values. This article discusses the changing scenarios of branding and rebranding strategies adopted by some companies.


Advertising Express Magazine, Rebranding, Marketing Strategies, Branding Techniques, Customer Perceptions, Recessionary Tsunami, Acquisition Process, Positioning Strategies, Marketing Investments, Strategic Leadership, Television Market, Regionalization.