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Effective Executive Magazine:
Human Resource Management and Organizational Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility : Examples and the Need for Context

Whatever the antecedents and reasons for CSR, it seems to have `staying power' as a HRM and organizational issue. CSR is undoubtedly here to stay. For all the bad examples and criticisms, most CSR cases appear to have a sincere and positive impact, not only for employees but also the wider community and also for organizations themselves.


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) was once an exotic interest and ambition of `alternative thinkers' and corporate `do-gooders'. It is now commonplace and it is almost impossible to find organizations, especially multinational companies, not expressing a CSR commitment. Websites are replete with such phrases as `a desire to put something back', `committed to being a global citizen', `investing in communities', etc. The wordings may be slightly different, but the themes remain somewhat constant - we may be giant organizations, even involved in not very environmentally-friendly operations, but we care for more than just our profits and bottom line. Companies, not only have CSR statements, but also CSR managers who can be based in various parts of organizations, including in separate units or in PR and HR departments.

CSR can be known by a variety of other names and terms, such as corporate responsibility, corporate citizenship and a mix of terms such as responsible, sustainable and ethical business. CSR is a nebulous and elastic concept than can mean very different things to various people and constituencies. It is also one of those `motherhood and apple pie' concepts, seen as, a priori `a good thing'. After all, not many organizations would propound that they did not have any CSR. As such, it is one of the most popular, fashionable areas of management today.


Effective Executive Magazine, Human Resource Management, Organizational Commitment, Corporate Social Responsibility, Ethical Business, Multinational Companies, HR Departments, Governance System, Environmental Policies, Ethical Policies, Industrial Revolution, Social Policies.