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Effective Executive Magazine:
Maintaining internal brand communities : The Key to Successful Leadership

Successful leadership remembers that the company story and its ideals are something that can be controlled, measured, and purposefully engineered. This is how brands not only endure but prosper, long after the original founder has left the building.


Imagine Apple without Steve Jobs. Virgin without Richard Branson. Unthinkable? Yet, General Electric has had to survive without Thomas Edison. Ford Motor Company survived without Henry Ford. HP figured out how to thrive without Bill Hewlett and David Packard. More recently, Microsoft formulated a plan to (hopefully) survive without Bill Gates.

Yet, longevity is not a given. As my friends at famous jeansmaker Levi Strauss & Co. remind me, it is `easy' to launch a start-up company with the booster rockets of entrepreneurial flair and a spirited press. But it is much different to hold the reins of a company with 100+ years of organizational tradition and hierarchies. One of the things that helps great companies endure - aside from innovation and product - is culture. Companies that survive their founders have a community and a culture uniquely their own. If that culture is attractive, consumers are drawn to them like iron filings to a magneto. The act of creating such enduring culture is one of the key responsibilities of leadership.

Culture is created by the leader. For years, Steve Jobs seems to have adopted the dictum of wily, United States Civil War General Thomas `Stonewall' Jackson who said, "Always mystify, mislead, and surprise the enemy." Jobs proclaims that no one will ever watch video on tiny one-inch monitors, and three months later launches the Nano Video. Jobs announces that few will want to read a book on a handheld digital device, then launches the iPad. What next? For all the best reasons, Steve Jobs has inspired millions with his repeat innovations and balls-out bravado. A college dropout, Jobs has trampled MBA rivals with masterful strokes that leave the watchful giddy.


Effective Executive Magazine, Brand Communities, Successful Leadership, Ford Motor Company, Consumer Electronics, Corporate Campuses, Ccorporate Mission, Organizational Tradition, Corporate Community, Digital Devices.