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Marketing Mastermind Magazine:
OOH Advertising: Catching Customers on the Move

With increasing fragmentation of traditional advertising media and growing resistance among consumers to the bombardment of advertisements they are faced daily, marketers are compelled to constantly explore new avenues to increase their chances of being seen and heard by the target audience. Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising comes to the rescue of marketers with its innate ability of being economical, effective, accessible and interactive. This article explores the relative merits of this medium and provides several recent examples of its effective and innovative usage.


Traditional advertising media such as print, radio and television have become quite fragmented and also cluttered with advertisements. Therefore, they are no longer as far-reaching and effective as they used to be during earlier years. Of course, marketers now have a variety of new avenues, i.e., mobile phones, email, websites, downloadable content, social media, etc., through which they can promote their products and interact with their customers and prospects. Each of these has its advantages and limitations. Out-of-Home or OOH advertising (primarily comprising of outdoor hoardings and displays) is one of the traditional advertising media, but is now being increasingly used to compliment other forms of advertising in order to achieve better exposure and recall. Innovation in creativity and also the adoption of modern technology have made this medium contemporary and at the same time more impactful. OOH advertising is a promising solution that fills the gap left by other media. It offers plenty of opportunities for innovation through LED billboards, dynamic floor displays, halogen projection balloons, etc. More importantly, it also lends scope for active interaction with consumers.

According to a report by PricewaterhouseCoopers, the Indian OOH market has been growing at 17% per annum since 2007, from Rs. 1,000 cr by value to Rs. 2,150 cr in 2010. OOH spending is pegged at 5 to 7% of the total media spending, and is envisaged to grow at more than 15% per annum. This would make OOH the fastest growing advertising medium after the Internet. Telecom, financial services and real estate are the major spenders in OOH advertising, followed by consumer durables, media and automobiles.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, OOH Advertising, Traditional Advertising Media, Outdoor Hoardings, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Financial Services, Consumer Durables, Outdoor Advertisements, Interactive Voice Response System, Cornerstone Communications, National Stock Exchange, Mobile Telecom Service Provider, Value Added Service.