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Marketing Mastermind Magazine:
Prospects for Biometrics in Indian Retail

Biometric technology has made considerable inroads in the retail sector in developed countries, particularly for making payments against one's purchases. The technology is being used as a solution for mitigating a variety of frauds, especially those related to identity theft. The Indian retail sector too offers tremendous potential for the beneficial use of this technology. The Unique Identification Authority of India's move to use biometrics has given a strong fillip to this technology in India. This article offers a preliminary assessment of the potential role that biometrics can play in the Indian retail sector.


Recent Hollywood films such as Minority Report and The Bourne Identity have created wide public awareness about the potential power of biometric technology.

However, biometrics need not be confined to futuristic and science fiction films alone. For instance, computers are now in extensive use, and we often transfer personal information over the Internet, which is susceptible to hacking and misuse. Biometric technology can help to secure personal and confidential information, so that no unauthorized person can access the same. Biometrics is extremely useful for preventing identity theft as it does away with credit card numbers, passwords, etc., which can be hacked and misused by others. Instead, access to privileged information is provided through a person's unique physiological parameters such as the fingerprint, retina, facial features or voice patterns which cannot be imitated by others.

Purchasing at retail outlets through credit/debit cards, cash withdrawal through ATMs, online banking, online bill payments and online credit card access can all be protected from fraud by the use of biometric technology. It can also be used for other applications such as accessing one's credit report, filing and retrieving one's tax returns, etc.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, Biometric Technology, Indian Retail, Hollywood Films, Online Banking, Online Bill Payments, Biometrics Business, Chinese Merchants, Numerical Algorithm, Commercial Services, National Informatics Centre, Private Organizations, Fraudulent Transactions, Biometric Identification, Centralized Database.