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Marketing Mastermind Magazine:
Brand Renewal : Rejuvenating and Rekindling Interest in the Brand

Periodic brand renewal helps to keep a brand young and vibrant. Years may pass, but how healthy and energetic a brand remains, depends not on its age, but on how it is perceived by the consumers. Brand renewal helps in giving a fresh lease of life to a brand, which has reached a point of stagnation or decline. A brand may be renewed or rejuvenated through various means – by providing a new zing to the product's features, or by making changes to the packaging, logo, advertising and so on.


A lot of effort and expenditure goes into the launching, subsequent nurturing and building of a strong brand. The brand building process may not always be smooth. Some brands never take off, while others soar into the skies. Marketers adopt a variety of means to promote and build their brands. Achieving the prime position in the consumers' mind about the brand is every brand manager's dream.

However, even the strongest brands cannot remain so forever, without constant endeavors to maintain them where they are. Many brands face stagnation or decline at certain times during the course of their life cycle. Brand renewal strategies can help to redeem the situation and put the brands back on the growth track. Brand renewal also becomes necessary to rekindle interest in the brand, in the face of high profile marketing by competitors, including new entrants into the field. The classical model of product life cycle (the basic principle behind which also applies to a brand) identifies four stages in the following sequence: introduction, growth, maturity and decline. Many brands begin stagnating after reaching a level of maturity or stability, and even begin to decline. However, this need not signal the end of the brand or the product.

Most products/brands go through several waves of growth and decline, before they eventually slide down towards total decline and discontinuation. Ups and downs are part of the game, and marketers have to be constantly on the alert to put their brands back on the flight path every time they hit an air pocket – which begin to show signs of decline. The various measures that may be taken to achieve this goal are broadly referred to as brand renewal. For instance, brand renewal may be implemented by boosting the advertising, changing the product, its logo or packaging. More importantly, brand renewal should reinvigorate the brand and strengthen its image and positioning in the minds of the consumers.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, Brand Renewal, Brand Building Process, Product Life Cycle, Television Commercial, Brand Ambassadors, Television Brand, Corporate Logo, Contemporary Logo, Good Products, International Markets, Quartz Watches, Cosmetic Modifications.