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Marketing Mastermind Magazine:
Successful Selling of Insurance Products: Challenges and Strategies

Insurance is probably the most misunderstood and perhaps also the most avoided offering among the entire gamut of financial products. This is for the simple reason that it addresses a negative emotion – fear, i.e., the fear of loss of life, health or property. In the light of this background, this article deals with the challenges and strategies of selling insurance products.


The summer of 2006 still re-mains fresh in my mind. I was with my family at my home town on a vacation. We were all enjoying and having fun until that horrifying moment. My father started sweating profusely and complained of acute pain in his left shoulder. It dawned on my mother that very moment that he had a heart attack. We rushed him to the nearest hospital. By God's grace, he received timely medical assistance and is now hale and healthy. That was when I realized the importance of insurance and decided to pursue a career in the insurance sector. This article is based on my experiences in this field.

Among a population of 1.18 billion people in India, it is very important to decide who your customers are. This can be done using the following three factors.

Customers must be able to afford an insurance policy by paying a regular or single premium, as the case may be. Sometimes, it is likely that you meet a customer who does not have liquidity at the time of initial interaction. However, he may have some sources of funds which will mature in the near future, such as a bank fixed deposit. The prospective customer must be empowered to make a decision to buy the policy. Customers should be insurable and his needs must be those which can be met by the insurance provider.

The elevator pitch that is often used by sales trainers is meant to describe and sell an idea in 30 seconds or less. Though such a goal is too ambitious, one can use an elevator speech to market oneself as an individual. The most important thing is to understand the requirements of one's target audience. This helps in evoking interest in the mind of the prospective customer.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, Insurance Products, Financial Products, Insurance Sector, Retirement Plan, Financial Strain, Child Education Policy, Cardiovascular Diseases, Contingency Plans, Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority, IRDA, Selling Techniques.