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Marketing Mastermind Magazine:
The Indian Telecom Industry : Market and Competitive Scenario

The Indian telecom industry is one of the largest and fastest growing in the world. The Government's liberal policies have completely revolutionized the telecom sector. Telecom services are now available at very low prices, as a result of which the subscriber base has increased phenomenally. However, the entry of numerous players, the low average revenue per user and the reducing pace of business growth in recent years have made the industry extremely competitive, with the possibility of mergers and acquisitions looming large on the horizon.


The Indian telecom industry includes the second largest mobile network in the world, with 11 major operators and a wireless subscriber base of over 500 million. With more than 10 million subscribers being added every month, the industry offers the highest growth rate and investment opportunities. The total subscriber base is expected to increase to 800 million by 2013. The telecom industry contributes around 1.54% to India's GDP.

According to Frost & Sullivan, an industry analysis firm, by 2012, the fixed line revenues in India will rise to US$12.2 bn per annum, while mobile revenues will increase to US$39.8 bn.

In 1992, the Government of India recognized that there was a wide gap between government spending and the need for additional resources to develop telephony in the country. This led to opening up of this sector to the private players in 1994. The announcement of the National Telecom Policy in 1994 heralded the telecom revolution in India. Initially, the government monopoly in telecom services gave way to a duopoly (not more than two operators could be given license in each telecom circle), and licenses were awarded for 19 telecom circles in 1995.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, Indian Telecom Industry, Telecom Services, Gross Domestic Product, GDP, Brand Loyalty, Foreign Direct Investments, Telecommunication Services, Value-Added Services, Mobile Number Portability, Cellular Telephone Service, Promotional Budgets, Innovative Advertisements, Social Marketing, Rural Campaigns.