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Branding the Nation: Challenge for the Masses and Policy Makers

There are many things for India to be proud of -- the largest democracy in the world, a vast and varied culture, geographical advantages, technological advancements etc. However, the big question is to what extent have we leveraged all our plus points to create a strong image of India across the world. It is high time to integrate and coordinate all the image--building efforts and create a strong image of India.

Principles of management, especially that of marketing, are helping organizations, both commercial and non--commercial, grow to their full potential and flourish. Learning from the success stories of business houses, not--for--profit organizations too started thinking the business way for successful conduct of their businesses as well as creating an identity for them in their spheres of action.

This revelation in non--business sectors has spread to other areas too, reaching even political and economic thinkers and practitioners. They have started thinking about marketing and even branding of their `objects of contemplation' viz., states and nations. This has kicked off a major trend, prompting many nations to reposition themselves in the global market.


Branding the Nation, Challenge for the Masses ,Policy Makers ,culture,geographical advantages, technological advancements,create a strong image of India,Principles of management,business houses,political , economic, brandingglobal market.,