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Branding India: The Land of Progressive Diversity

How India manages to hold together despite its religious, linguistic and cultural diversities is well known to the rest of the world. Let these diversities be in the forefront while we brand India, says Sunil Lulla.

Branding Indiathe new buzz term. Is it an economic need, political need, psychological need, egotistical need or competitive need? Does the rest of the world not know of one of the world's oldest civilizations? Or have modern generations misplaced their learnings of history? Or once again are we suffering from an identity crisis (the last known one was part of the East India Company) The `Shining India' campaign, recently released by the Government of India, is the branding of India, within the Republic of India; or is it? Does it have credibility, consistency and will it live up to the promise?

One is not sure, if there are answers to ` How to brand India, 101'. But they're certainly thought--provoking questions, hypothesis and suggestions, if you will.


Branding India,Land of Progressive Diversity, religious, linguistic ,cultural diversities,economic need, political need, psychological need, egotistical need , competitive need,civilizations, identity crisis,Shining India,Republic of India