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Advertising Express Magazine:
The Protocol:Innovate or Immolate!

Nations are not built on the foundations of support activities. To build a strong India, we ought to be innovative, says Surya Pala.

Today we are talking about reinventing brand India. The process of reinvention has been in place since independence, but the question really remains: what should India do to achieve the positive brand equity it desires? In this context, it makes sense for us to study the nations that have immense brand equity in today's world. The United States and Japan are examples. what is it that separates a nation like US from the rest of the pack? The answer is innovation. One might argue that most of the great innovators in US are mainly immigrants, but then the ability to attract these brains is also part of the innovation game. Interestingly, Japan does not have any natural resources to boast of. All they have managed to do is value add to raw materials outsourced. India has always been providing these outsourced materials and strangely enough, outsourced services as well. Where is value in these kinds of activities in terms of brand India? Zero!


Protocol,Innovate, Immolate,reinventing brand India, positive brand equity , innovation,natural resources,raw materials,outsourced materials, strangely enough, outsourced services