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Advertising Express Magazine:
The Branding of India

Thailand has one. Singapore has one. So does Malaysia. All these South--East Asian countries are tasting the benefits of single--minded branding. Amitabh Kant takes us through a journey to discover a branding idea for probably the biggest brand in the world: India.

Someone said, image is everything. It is true. image is what is perceived by those who use or are likely to use your brand and services. It is your `personality' and it can make you stand out from others who are doing or saying similar things in a crowded market place.

Branding is a sophisticated process that puts together and sustains a complex mixture of attributes and values, many of which are intangible. The objective of branding India is to produce a unique and attractive offering that meets both the rational and the emotional needs of the tourists.

Building an Indian brand is a tall order. My attempt in this article is to set out the vision, values, personality and positioning for the India tourism brand. India Tourism's attempt is to build the visual identity of one of the biggest brands in the market--India or shall we say, `Incredible India'.


Branding of India,single--minded branding,discover a branding idea,services,sophisticated process , attributes, values,intangible,rational and the emotional needs of the tourists,vision, values, personality,India tourism brand.