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The `Incredible' Brand!

India has its own uniqueness in many fields, which no other countries can ever hope to match. Sushil Bahl insists on leveraging this uniqueness economically, socially and politically to create a brand called India.

Managing and handling Incredible India as a `brand' is like teaching an elephant to dance! Indian corporates have been known as elephants who have learnt to dance by managing change through restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, reengineering, sticking to core competencies and diversification, as the case may be, that we have heard about ever since 1990--91, when the Indian economy was liberated and opened up. Teaching elephant India to dance is a stupendous task. Yet it is happening. A bit slowly, but surely.

The Government of India's tourism department is selling `Incredible India' as a country of pictures and colors! But the reality is much deeper and beyond this. Incredible India wants to be recognized as a player on the same turf as other countries in business and other fields.


Incredible' Brand, economically, socially , politically,`brand' is like teaching an elephant to dance,restructuring, acquisitions, reengineering, sticking, core competencies , diversification,Government of India's tourism department,