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Alisha, Time to sing two new songs!

The most important asset of any brand is its equity. Success depends on how or to what extent can we leverage the equity of a brand. the existing brand equity of India has to leverage on Brand Social Equity, Brand Economic Equity, Brand Religious Equity, and Brand Political Equity, says Harish Bijoor.

Everything all around us is a brand. You are. I am. India is. You, India and I are all in the marketplace seeking our place in the sun. The only reality of significance for the moment is the Buyer--Seller Dyad, made famous by Henri Tosi many many years ago. Everybody is a buyer and a seller. And buying and selling are image--driven issues. What starts with utility, moves on to price and what lingers on price moves on higher up in the hierarchy to the brand and its unique image. The brand is IT!

India is a brand then. And brand India is seeking to establish a unique identity. An identity that makes it stand apart from the rest. An identity that will create a craving among sets of consumers who will choose India over all else in the great `Swayamvar' of country--brands that decides the future of many a business.


Alisha, Time to sing two new songs,Brand Social Equity,Brand Economic Equity, Brand Religious Equity, and Brand Political Equity,leverage , Buyer,Seller, consumers ,