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Branding India

Each state in India has its own unique features like culture, language and history, to brand and promote itself. In this article, Ratnaja Gogula stresses the need for branding the core competencies of each state individually and supports the efforts of branding the entire nation.

When today one says `India', does the word still evoke images of Gandhi, poverty, illiteracy, developing nation, corruption, culture, sadhus? Or does it recall images of skilled IT professionals, ace fashion designers, women entrepreneurs, yoga, meditation, tourist destination? Incredibly, the truth is that India evokes both the images. If India were to make the most of its brand name, it needs to tune into the basic approach to positioning as laid down by Al Ries and Trout: "not to create something new and different, but to manipulate what's already up there in the mind and to retie the connections that already exist". India the brand can be successful only when what is already there in the mind about India is coupled with what is emerging, positive, appealing and unknown.

When Indian tourism industry advertises and positions itself uniquely in the minds of foreign tourists it needs to do so by promising an experience with the snake charmer and sage along with the luxury of a five star hotel and cuisine; when Indian Software Industry delivers its goods it needs to do so by combining quality with efficiency and cost gain; when Bollywood makes entertainment flicks for an international audience it needs to be a combination of Indian values with western outfits; when India positions yoga to the west it has to be `power yoga'; and finally when India politically positions itself, it is the face of Gandhi that needs.


Branding India, culture, language, history,poverty, illiteracy, developing nation, corruption, culture, sadhus,images of skilled IT professionals,ace fashion designers, women entrepreneurs, yoga, meditation, tourist destination, Indian tourism industry, advertises ,