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Branding Excellence _ The Most Prominent Driver of Value for Indian Companies

In the coming years, Indian companies will have more opportunities to explore and brand its products across the world. To succeed in branding, they need to have consistency, global expansion, sustainable business models and CEOs with vision and passion at the top, says Martin Roll.

Today, businesses and consumers are placing increasing importance on brands. Brands give us identity, stimulate our senses and enrich our life experiences. It is a human need to affiliate and surround ourselves with things we know, trust and aspire to be. Strong brands with unique appeals championed by passionate leaders are becoming the body and soul of the 21st century businesses. These strong drivers of business growth are creating a new type of companies with a competitive edge.

Comparison of the market capitalization of leading globalizing firms with strong brands over a couple of years demonstrates that the market has put a premium on the growth opportunities of firms seeking to build individual or portfolios of international brands, in order to capitalize on growth opportunities. The increasing importance of branding across the Asian region is particularly driven by three distinct factors:


Branding Excellence, branding, consistency, global expansion, sustainable business models,Brands give us identity, passionate leaders , body,soul , competitive,Comparison of the market capitalization,growth opportunities, international brands,