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Global CEO Magazine:
Furthering innovation: Lessons from the successful CEOs

Innovations play a critical role in the success of any business. Often companies like Microsoft, Apple Computer, etc., that have continually innovated have achieved tremendous success in their industries. CEOs of the companies played a crucial role in innovation process where in they encouraged the people in their organizations to innovate and develop new products and processes. This article argues that the best chance for the CEOs to deliver innovation is to effectuate convergence of ideas, functions, products and processes from a diverse set of idea-generators.

Modern business may be perceived as the economic bridge between the government and the civil society. Since the purpose of business is to create wealth, business people find new ways to do things efficiently and effectively, which often percolate into nonbusiness areas as well, be it public governance or social development. It is not easy to come up with new ideas to sustain the `bridge', especially with severe competition to deal with, every time. Sustaining competitive advantage has been the war-cry for most businesses and their CEOs. The CEOs respond by securing for the company multiple layers of advantage; leveraging on loose ends; changing the rules of the game; or even finding a collaborator for competitive advantage. On the one hand, CEOs cannot follow the path well-trodden, and on the other, they run the risk of eroding the competitive advantage, in doing so. Thus, the only other method left to them is to introduce new means to reach the end. Can the CEOs innovate all the times on their own? May be, if the CEOs are inventors and we leave them to their own devices! But this seems a bit difficult in today's world, especially with most CEOs gasping for time.


Innovation, successful, CEOs, critical role, business, companies, Microsoft, Apple Computer, tremendous, industries, encouraged, people, organizations, products, processes, article argues, effectuate convergence, ideas, functions, strategy, idea-generators.